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An X-ray source is a vacuum tube that produces X-rays, also called an X-ray tube. To generate X-rays, a current is first passed through the filament to heat it. The filament generates hot electrons, which are accelerated by high voltage and collide with the target of the anode.

The energy of the X-rays is proportional to the tube current of the X-ray tube and to the square of the tube voltage. Less than 1% of the thermal electrons become X-rays, most of which are heat.

X-ray sources can be classified into two types: closed tube and open tube. The sealed tube type is further classified into fixed anode type and rotating anode type. They are also classified into anode-grounded type, cathode-grounded type, and bipolar type according to the connection method of the power supply.

X-ray sources are used in medical X-ray and CT equipment, industrial non-destructive analysis equipment, and X-ray analysis equipment (XRF, XRD). In the field of non-destructive testing, there are also X-ray tubes called microfocus X-ray tubes for finer inspection.

Types of X-ray tubes
Analytical X-ray Tubes
X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) X-ray tubes, X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) X-ray tubes, Beryllium window X-ray tubes, Ceramic X-ray tubes, Metal ceramic X-ray tubes
Industrial X-ray tubes
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) X-Ray Tubes, Microfocus X-ray tubes, Open type X-ray source, Transmission type X-ray tube, reflection type X-ray tube
Medical X-ray tubes
Rotating anode X-ray tubes, Dental X-ray tubes, CT X-ray tubes, Mammography X-ray tubes, Angiography X-ray tubes

Matsusada Precision provides high-voltage power supplies for X-ray tubes that integrate a power supply for the filament and a high-voltage power supply for acceleration. In addition, we offer an X-ray generation module for the X-ray tube and high-voltage power supply which can safely generate X-rays without handling high-voltage or high-temperature parts or wiring high-voltage cables.

X-Ray source (Mechanism of X-ray tube)
X-ray tube workflow

List of X-ray tube manufacturers

Related words:
  • Vacuum tube
  • X-ray
  • Non-destructive analysis
  • X-ray analyzer
  • Microfocus
  • XRF
  • XRD
  • X-ray generators
  • X-Ray sources

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