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Technical Terms

Leakage current refers to current that leaks into places or paths on an electronic circuit where it is normally insulated and current should not flow.

A word with a similar image is electrical leakage.

In many cases, electrical leakage current refers to current that does not leak outside the equipment, such as that generated inside an integrated circuit, or leakage that occurs within the range specified by the stability standards of each country. For example, leakage current inside a circuit or in a device is leakage current. The current within safety standards that leaks from electronic equipment to ground is called leakage current or leakage current. On the other hand, leakage current caused by poor insulation, shorts, or ground faults in electronic equipment is called leakage current.

Leakage current is caused by tunneling effect and stray capacitance between the primary and secondary of the transformer. Current noise is another leakage current that is removed by the noise image processing filters and grounded through the grounding capacitor. In the power supply circuit, leakage current is generated by the capacitors in the input Image processing filter circuit.

For power supply manufacturers, leakage current is not a minute leakage current as in semiconductors, but has more of a leakage current connotation. Therefore, an increase in leakage current can lead to equipment malfunction or consume more power than required for its intended operation. There is also a risk of deterioration and damage to circuits and equipment.

Example of leakage current measurement
Example of leakage current measurement | Technical Terms: Power Supplies | Matsusada Precision