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  • precision ct7400 | X-ray Inspection Systems | Matsusada Precision


X-ray CT system

[precision CT7400]

Matsusada Precision product Industrial CT scanner CT7400 series - This product is a compact, high-resolution industrial X-ray CT scanner, but discontinued.

Precision CT7400 is no longer available as we stopped the production and sales of this model in March 2021. Meanwhile, we support.
precision CT9600 is available as the successor model, and more information on the series can be found here.

High-Speed CT

"Precision CT7400" achieves the high-speed CT imaging. Taking CT imaging has been very time-consuming so far. However, it is possible to take CT imaging in the fastest 30 seconds with "Precision CT7400". CT imaging in mass production is also possible.

Features and Benefits

  • High-speed CT imaging is possible.
  • Automatic setting of CT position
  • No need for axis calibration
Product Lineup:
X-ray Inspection Systems