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  • K10 series
  • K10 series


Quite low ripple noise and high stability

  • Voltage range: 5kV to 10kV
  • Current: 1mA to 2mA
  • Power: 10W
  • Ultra compact size
  • UL marking
    (Except for 6 kV model)
  • CE marking
    (Except for 6 kV model)

High Voltage Power Supply for Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Mass Spectrometry (MS)

K10 series is a compact high voltage module designed for such applications as Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) or Mass Spectrometry (MS) with quite low ripple noise and high stability.
This will also be suitable for detectors such as Microchannel Plate (MCP)/Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) or acceleration and lens for Electron or Ion beam applications.
Size is reduced to 1/6 compared with the conventional models to contribute to the compact design of equipment.


  • Designed ideally for Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Mass Spectrometry (MS) application
  • High stability of 0.001%/5 min
  • Ultra low ripple noise of 0.001% p-p
  • Ultra compact size of 70 mm width
  • Higher output power of 10 W. Continuous operation is possible without derating.
  • UL62368-1 approved Except K10-6P,K10-6N
  • CE marking approved (Low Voltage Directive) Except K10-6P,K10-6N



Positive polarity output

Model Output Voltage Output Current Ripple Safety standards
K10-5P 0 to 5 kV 2 mA 50 mVp-p UL recognized component marks for Canada and the United StatesCE mark
K10-6P 0 to 6 kV 1.6 mA 60 mVp-p -
K10-10P 0 to 10 kV 1 mA 100 mVp-p UL recognized component marks for Canada and the United StatesCE mark

Negative polarity output

Model Output Voltage Output Current Ripple Safety standards
K10-5N 0 to -5 kV 2 mA 50 mVp-p UL recognized component marks for Canada and the United StatesCE mark
K10-6N 0 to -6 kV 1.6 mA 60 mVp-p -
K10-10N 0 to -10 kV 1 mA 100 mVp-p UL recognized component marks for Canada and the United StatesCE mark


Input voltage: 24 Vdc
Output control: By external control voltage (Vcon-in) 0 to 10 Vdc
For details, download the datasheet below.


Additional Products


Assembled input connector with 0.25 meters flying leads (accessory)

* Separate item, and to be ordered separete to power supply.


Connection diagram

For details, download the datasheet below.


70 x 70 x 20mm (2.76" x 2.76" x 0.79")
For details, download the datasheet below.


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High Voltage power supplies (Chassis mount/PCB mount)