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  • AKP series | High Voltage power supply Rack mount | Matsusada Precision
  • AKP series | High Voltage power supply Rack mount | Matsusada Precision


High Voltage and High Power Output Up to 120kV, 13kW Output Power

  • Output Voltage: 1kV to 120kV
  • Output Power: 12kW / 13kW
  • Single-Unit Output
    12kW / 13kW
  • Mater and Slave Parallel Operation Up to 52 kW

Advanced High Voltage Power Supply Achieves High Voltage and High Power of 120kV and 13kW at Maximum.

AKP series is the high voltage power supply that can output high voltage and high power of 120 kV and 13 kW at maximum on its own.
The selection of models ranging from 1 kV to 120 kV high output meets your applications at the minimum expense.
High power up to 52 kW is available with system integration and various remote controls.


  • Single-unit output 12 kW/13 kW
  • Mater and Slave parallel operation up to 52 kW
  • Digital interface adapter available remote control via LAN, USB, etc.
  • The selection of models ranging from 1 kV to 120 kV high output meets your applications.
  • The full protective circuits, such as output short-circuit and protection from arc discharge, are included as the standard functions.



Model Maximum Output
Voltage [kV] Current [A] Power [kW]
AKP-1P13000 1 kV 13 A 13 kW
AKP-1.5P8600 1.5 kV 8.6 A 12.9 kW
AKP-2P6500 2 kV 6.5 A 13 kW
AKP-3P4300 3 kV 4.3 A 12.9 kW
AKP-4P3200 4 kV 3.2 A 12.8 kW
AKP-5P2600 5 kV 2.6 A 13 kW
AKP-6P2100 6 kV 2.1 A 12.6 kW
AKP-10P1300 10 kV 1.3 A 13 kW
AKP-12P1080 12 kV 1.08 A 12.96 kW
AKP-15P860 15 kV 0.86 A 12.9 kW
AKP-20P650 20 kV 0.65 A 13 kW
AKP-30P430 30 kV 0.43 A 12.9 kW
AKP-40P320 40 kV 0.32 A 12.8 kW
AKP-50P260 50 kV 0.26 A 13 kW
AKP-60P210 60 kV 0.21 A 12.6 kW
AKP-70P180 70 kV 0.18 A
AKP-80N150 80 kV 0.15 A 12 kW
AKP-100P120 100 kV 0.12 A
AKP-120P100 120 kV 0.1 A
Model Maximum Output
Voltage [kV] Current [A] Power [kW]
AKP-1N13000 -1 kV 13 A 13 kW
AKP-1.5N8600 -1.5 kV 8.6 A 12.9 kW
AKP-2N6500 -2 kV 6.5 A 13 kW
AKP-3N4300 -3 kV 4.3 A 12.9 kW
AKP-4N3200 -4 kV 3.2 A 12.8 kW
AKP-5N2600 -5 kV 2.6 A 13 kW
AKP-6N2100 -6 kV 2.1 A 12.6 kW
AKP-10N1300 -10 kV 1.3 A 13 kW
AKP-12N1080 -12 kV 1.08 A 12.96 kW
AKP-15N860 -15 kV 0.86 A 12.9 kW
AKP-20N650 -20 kV 0.65 A 13 kW
AKP-30N430 -30 kV 0.43 A 12.9 kW
AKP-40N320 -40 kV 0.32 A 12.8 kW
AKP-50N260 -50 kV 0.26 A 13 kW
AKP-60N210 -60 kV 0.21 A 12.6 kW
AKP-70N180 -70 kV 0.18 A
AKP-80P150 -80 kV 0.15 A 12 kW
AKP-100N120 -100 kV 0.12 A
AKP-120N100 -120 kV 0.1 A
Following lineups are also available beside above.
AK series: 1 kV to 120 kV/3 kW to 6.4 kW
AU series: 1 kV to 120 kV/30 W to 2.2 kW
REH series: 750 V to 1.2 kV/1 kW to 15 kW


For details, download the datasheet below.



Floating ground (withstand voltage 50 Vdc) *1
Used to measure current in the load. All equipment that connects to the Remote Control Connector (TB1) must be on the floating ground in case this feature is intended to be used. (It cannot be used for a floating high-voltage power supply.)


Master/slave control *1 *2
One master unit can control up to three slave units.
(The sum of the max. rated power must be 52 kW or less.)


Overcurrent protection with shutdown *2
Turn off output at the time of overcurrent


Slow start *1
It takes around 10 seconds from turning on the OUTPUT switch, remote switch, and remote reset to reach the maximum rated voltage (about 5 seconds at half the maximum rated voltage as output voltage).


200 Vac, ±10%, 3-phase
(Input current is around 105% of 3-phase 208 V)


220 Vac, ±10%, 3-phase
(Input current is around 95% of 3-phase 208 V)


400 Vac, ±10%, 3-phase
(Input current 23 A typ.)


The length of the high voltage output shielded cable is changed to 3 meters.


The length of the high voltage output shielded cable is changed to 5 meters.
(Available only for the models with an output voltage of 40 kV or less)


The length of the high voltage output shielded cable is changed to 7 meters.
(Available only for the models with an output voltage of 15 kV or less)

  1. In case selecting the -LF or -LW option is selected along with the -LMs option, select -LF or -LW option for all AKP series for master/slave connection.
  2. In case of turn-off overcurrent output at the time of master/slave connection, select -LOc option only for the master device (other options may be combined for use), not for the slave devices (other options may be combined). Any other combination cannot turn off overcurrent output during the master/slave connection. The slave device used on its own requires the standard CC/CV operation for output as it cannot mount the -LOc option.

How to Order

When ordering, add Option No. in the following order by alphabet, input voltage, and output cable length to Model No.
AKP-15P860-LFOcW (200V) (7m)
AKP-120N100-LFMsW (220V) (3m)


Digital interface adapter

CO/USB series

Utilizes optical fiber cables for remote control via LAN, USB, etc.
The communication system is well suited for such situations where there is a distance between the computer and the high voltage power supply or noisy environments. Also, it is especially ideal for use in combination with DC power supplies. The standard cable length is 2 meters, and it can be optionally extended up to 40 meters.

Refer to the CO/USB series
CO/USB series | Digital controllers | Matsusada Precision
Example of connecting
Digital interface adapter | AKP series | High Voltage power supply Rackmount | Matsusada Precision

For details, check the CO / USB series for a digital converter (CO-HV) and optical isolation adapter.

Input / Output cable

Input Cable
Sold separately CABLE TYPE7 CABLE series | AC input cable | Matsusada Precision CABLE series | AC input cable | Matsusada Precision 600 Vac / 75 A 10 meters
Output cable
[1 kV to 15 kV models]
CN-15-MHVP CN-30-MHVP 2.5meters
Specified length available
[20 kV to 30 kV models]
[40 kV models]
CN-45-MHVP CN-45-MHVP 2.5meters
Specified length available
[50 kV to 60 kV models]
[1 kV to 6 kV models]
CN-15PR-MHVP CN-40-AHVP 2.5 meters
Fixed length
[70 kV or more models]
CN-120AR-MHVP CN-40-AHVP 2.5 meters
Specified length available

Application software for power supplies and electronic loads

PSS2en series
PSS2en is the dedicated software which can actuate various power supplies, electronic loads and digital controllers for power supplies manufactured by Matsusada Precision Inc. with a simple setup.
It is the perfect for the aging test, the burn-in test and the withstand voltage test for electronic parts, and for the endurance test, intermittent/continuous operation test or various simulation test for electric component of automobile.
For details, refer to the PSS2en page.

PSS2en | Application software for power supplies and electronic loads | Matsusada Precision


For details, download the datasheet below.


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