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  • HEB series | High Voltage power supply Rack mount | Matsusada Precision
  • HEB series | High Voltage power supply Rack mount | Matsusada Precision


  • +10 to +60 kV accelerator voltage
  • Selectable each floating channel output
  • Voltage range: 60 kV
  • Current: 5 A

Multi-output high voltage power supply for ion beam, ion gun

Electron beam power supply, Acceleration voltage: -10 kV to -60 kV, each channel can be selected individually


  • Designed for FIB, integrated high voltage power supply with multiple outputs of ion gun in the accelerator, filament, suppressor, extractor, and lens
  • Selectable the best electrode power supply for your ion gun
  • Ultra low ripple and high stability
  • Low-temperature coefficient. (25 ppm/°C and 10 ppm/°C is optionally available)
  • Floating level (4 ch PS programmable with Vmon and Imon for each channel)
  • Ground level (1ch PS programmable with Vmon and Imon)
  • Controllable via RS-232C, RS-485, GPIB and USB.
  • Maximum acceleration voltage 100kV available on request
  • Additional ground-referenced voltage channels on request
  • Other options available than listed below



Model Ch.Name Reference level Output
Voltage Current
HIB series Filament Accelerator +2 V, +5 V, +6 V, +8 V 3 A, 5 A
Suppressor Accelerator -300 V, -600 V, -1 kV, -2 kV 50 µA, 100 µA
Extractor Accelerator -10 kV, -12 kV, -15 kV 500 µA
Lens1 Accelerator +15 kV, +10 kV, +5 kV, -5 kV, -10 kV, -15 kV 50 µA
Accelerator Ground +10 kV, +15kV, +30 kV, +40kV, +50 kV, +60 kV 100 µA, 250 µA, 300 µA, 500 µA, 700 µA, 750 µA
Lens2 Ground -30 kV, +30 kV 50 µA
Lens3 Ground -30 kV, +30 kV 50 µA

Select voltage according to your ion beam.


For details, download the datasheet below.


Filament (ch1) center common


For details, download the datasheet below.


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