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  • W series | High Voltage power supply Module (Chassis Mount) | Matsusada Precision
  • W series | High Voltage power supply Module (Chassis Mount) | Matsusada Precision


  • Output voltage: 0.5kV to 40kV
  • Output current: 3A to 700A
  • Output power: 120W to 350W
  • Wide output lineup

Compact & High Power High Voltage Power Supply

W series, a compact AC input high voltage power supply module, is suitable for ATE, X-ray system, and capacitor charging, featuring the remote control, voltage monitor, and current monitor as standard equipment.
The W series also offers a wide range of voltage and power from 0.5 kV to 40 kV/120 W to 350 W.


  • Compact, Lightweight
  • Remote control/monitor
  • Constant Voltage (CV) mode/Constant Current (CC) mode automatic crossover
  • High efficiency
  • Full protection for output short-circuit and arc
  • Wide range of output voltage and current



* P for Positive polarity, N for Negative polarity

120 W

Model Output voltage [kVdc] Output current Ripple
W1-0.5P 0 to 0.5 kV 0 to 240 mA 0.2 %p-p
W1-1P 0 to 1 kV 0 to 120 mA
W1-3P 0 to 3 kV 0 to 40 mA
W1-5P 0 to 5 kV 0 to 24 mA
W1-10P 0 to 10 kV 0 to 12 mA
W1-20P 0 to 20 kV 0 to 6 mA
W1-30P 0 to 30 kV 0 to 4 mA 0.5 %p-p
W1-33P 0 to 33 kV 0 to 3.5 mA
W1-35P 0 to 35 kV 0 to 3.3 mA
W1-40P 0 to 40 kV 0 to 3 mA
Model Output voltage [kVdc] Output current Ripple
W1-0.5N 0 to -0.5 kV 0 to 240 mA 0.2 %p-p
W1-1N 0 to -1 kV 0 to 120 mA
W1-3N 0 to -3 kV 0 to 40 mA
W1-5N 0 to -5 kV 0 to 24 mA
W1-10N 0 to -10 kV 0 to 12 mA
W1-20N 0 to -20 kV 0 to 6 mA
W1-30N 0 to -30 kV 0 to 4 mA 0.5 %p-p
W1-33N 0 to -33 kV 0 to 3.5 mA
W1-35N 0 to -35 kV 0 to 3.3 mA
W1-40N 0 to -40 kV 0 to 3 mA

200 W

Model Output voltage [kVdc] Output current Ripple
W2-0.5P 0 to 0.5 kV 0 to 400 mA 0.5 %p-p
W2-1P 0 to 1 kV 0 to 200 mA 0.2 %p-p
W2-3P 0 to 3 kV 0 to 67 mA
W2-5P 0 to 5 kV 0 to 40 mA
W2-10P 0 to 10 kV 0 to 20 mA
W2-20P 0 to 20 kV 0 to 10 mA
W2-30P 0 to 30 kV 0 to 6.7 mA 0.5 %p-p
W2-40P 0 to 40 kV 0 to 5 mA
Model Output voltage [kVdc] Output current Ripple
W2-0.5N 0 to -0.5 kV 0 to 400 mA 0.5 %p-p
W2-1N 0 to -1 kV 0 to 200 mA 0.2 %p-p
W2-3N 0 to -3 kV 0 to 67 mA
W2-5N 0 to -5 kV 0 to 40 mA
W2-10N 0 to -10 kV 0 to 20 mA
W2-20N 0 to -20 kV 0 to 10 mA
W2-30N 0 to -30 kV 0 to 6.7 mA 0.5 %p-p
W2-40N 0 to -40 kV 0 to 5 mA

300 W to 350 W

Model Output voltage [kVdc] Output current Ripple
W3-0.5P 0 to 0.5 kV 0 to 700 mA 0.5%p-p
W3-1P 0 to 1 kV 0 to 350 mA 0.3%p-p
W3-1.5P 0 to 1.5 kV 0 to 200 mA
W3-3P 0 to 3 kV 0 to 117 mA
W3-5P 0 to 5 kV 0 to 70 mA
W3-10P 0 to 10 kV 0 to 35 mA
W3-20P 0 to 20 kV 0 to 17.5 mA
W3-30P 0 to 30 kV 0 to 11.7 mA 0.5%p-p
W3-40P 0 to 40 kV 0 to 8.7 mA
Model Output voltage [kVdc] Output current Ripple
W3-0.5N 0 to -0.5 kV 0 to 700 mA 0.5%p-p
W3-1N 0 to -1 kV 0 to 350 mA 0.3%p-p
W3-1.5N 0 to -1.5 kV 0 to 200 mA
W3-3N 0 to -3 kV 0 to 117 mA
W3-5N 0 to -5 kV 0 to 70 mA
W3-10N 0 to -10 kV 0 to 35 mA
W3-20N 0 to -20 kV 0 to 17.5 mA
W3-30N 0 to -30 kV 0 to 11.7 mA 0.5%p-p
W3-40N 0 to -40 kV 0 to 8.7 mA


Input voltage: 115 Vac
Output control: By external 5K Ohm potentiometer or external control voltage (Vcon-in) 0 to 10 Vdc
For details, download the datasheet below.



Input Voltage AC 100 Vac +10%/-10%


Input Voltage AC 200 Vac +10%/-10%


Input Voltage AC 230 Vac +10%-10%

How to Order

When ordering, add Option No. to Model No. in numerical order.
Example: W1-0.5P-L(230V)


AC Input Cable
[All models including -L(100V) option]
CABLE TYPE1 CABLE series | AC input cable | Matsusada Precision CABLE series | AC input cable | Matsusada Precision 125 V/10 A 2.5 meters

Fixed length

[with -L(200V) and -L(230V) option]
CABLE TYPE3 CABLE series | AC input cable | Matsusada Precision CABLE series | AC input cable | Matsusada Precision 250 V/10 A 2.5 meters

Fixed length

Sold separately
[with -L(200V) and -L(230V) option]
CABLE TYPE4 CABLE series | AC input cable | Matsusada Precision CABLE series | AC input cable | Matsusada Precision 250 V/10 A 2.5 meters

Fixed length

High voltage output cable
[1 kV to 10 kV models]
CN-15-MHVP CN-15-MHVP 2.5 meters
(Specified length
[20 kV to 30 kV models]
CN-30-MHVP CN-30-MHVP 2.5 meters
(Specified length
[33 kV to 40 kV models]
CN-45-MHVP CN-45-MHVP 2.5 meters
(Specified length

For more details, refer to the CN series.

Application software for power supplies and electronic loads

PSS2en series
PSS2en is the dedicated software which can actuate various power supplies, electronic loads and digital controller for power supplies manufactured by Matsusada Precision Inc. with simple set up.
It is the perfect for the aging test, the burn-in test and the withstand voltage test for electronic parts, and for the endurance test, intermittent/continuous operation test or various simulation test for electric component of automobile.
For details, refer to PSS2en page.

PSS2en | Application software for power supplies and electronic loads | Matsusada Precision


Connection diagram

Contact us


120W models: 220 x 125 x 90mm (8.66" x 4.92" x 3.54")
200W or higher models: 250 x 245 x 81mm (9.84" x 9.65" x 3.19")
For details, download the datasheet below.


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High Voltage power supplies (Chassis mount/PCB mount)