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  • SEM series | High Voltage power supply Module (Chassis Mount) | Matsusada Precision
  • SEM series | High Voltage power supply Module (Chassis Mount) | Matsusada Precision


Low Noise High Voltage Power Supply

  • Output voltage for accelerating: 0 to -15 kV or -30 kV
  • Output voltage for biasing: 0 to +3.5 kV
  • Output power for filament: 15 W max
  • High reliability design and elaborated protections

The exclusive design for bringing out the performance of an electron gun to the maximum!

This high-voltage power supply unit is for the electron gun of a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
It incorporates a beam accelerator power supply, wehnelt cylinder bias power supply, and filament power supply, with the bias power supply and filament power supply floating on the acceleration voltage.
Not only tungsten filament-type thermionic emission guns and lanthanum hexaboride (Lab6) emission guns, but also Schottky-type electron guns can be supported by adding an optional power supply for suppressors.
We are also available for consultation on customization and custom-made products for your electron gun. Please feel free to contact us.


  • Power supply used for acceleration, bias, and filament heating in a compact body
  • Additional power supply for suppressor (option)
  • Schottky-type electron gun available (option)
  • Three outputs for electron beam of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) in one case
  • 5 ppm high stability, low ripple noise
  • Overcurrent protection
  • Output short-circuit protection


  • Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) electron gun power supply
  • Field Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscope (FEG-SEM)
  • Schottky thermal field emission source high voltage power supply
  • Electron Probe Micro-Analyzer electron (EPMA) gun power supply
  • Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) electron gun power supply


Model Output voltage
Accelerating power supply Biasing power supply Filament power supply
SEM-15 0 to -15 kV 0 to +3.5 kV 5 V max
SEM-30 0 to -30 kV


Input voltage: 24 Vdc
Output control: By external control voltage (Vcon-in) 0 to 10 Vdc
For details, download the datasheet below.



Constant current filament output
For specifications, download the datasheet below.
* -LFcv and -LFcc cannot be chosen together.


Constant voltage filament output
For specifications, download the datasheet below.
* -LFcv and -LFcc cannot be chosen together.


Adding the power supply for suppressor


Output Cable
Standard CN-SEM4P CN-SEM4P
Output cable with plug (flying lead)
1.5 meters
CN-SEM4P(5) 5 meters
-LS03 option selected Please contact our sales office for details. -LS03 option selected
Output cable with plug (flying lead)
1.5 meters

The model number of output cable will change when -LS03 option is chosen. Please contact our sales office for details.


Connection diagram

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Electron Gun and Power Supply - Tungsten, Lab6 filament
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Electron Gun and Power Supply - Tungsten, Lab6 filament | SEM series | High Voltage power supply Module (Chassis Mount) | Matsusada Precision
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Electron Gun and Power Supply - Schottky emission
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Electron Gun and Power Supply - Schottky emission | SEM series | High Voltage power supply Module (Chassis Mount) | Matsusada Precision

Contact us


SEM-15: 250 x 200 x 106mm (9.84" x 7.87" x 4.17")
SEM-30: 250 x 250 x 106mm (9.84" x 9.84" x 4.17")
For details, download the datasheet below.


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High Voltage power supplies (Chassis mount/PCB mount)