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  • J4/J6 series | High Voltage power supply Module (Chassis Mount) | Matsusada Precision
  • J4/J6 series | High Voltage power supply Module (Chassis Mount) | Matsusada Precision
  • J4/J6 series | High Voltage power supply Module (Chassis Mount) | Matsusada Precision
  • J4/J6 series | High Voltage power supply Module (Chassis Mount) | Matsusada Precision


  • Voltage range:
    0.5kV to 5kV (J4 series)
    1kV to 5kV (J6 series)
  • Current:
    2.5W to 4W (J4 series)
    6W (J6 series)
  • Power: 2.5 to 4W (J4 series)
    6W (J6 series)
  • Extensive protection
    Ultra low noise
UL marking CE marking (For J4 series)

High Stability & Ultra Low Noise High Voltage Power Supply

Photomultiplier tube(PMT) power supplies, suitable for mass spectrometry and scintillation type radiation detectors.

J4 series

The J4 series is a high power (4 W) Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) power supply featuring ultra low-noise (2 mV).
This high voltage power supply can be used not only for PMTs but also for phototubes, GM tubes, proportional counters, and Solid state detector (semiconductor radiation detectors).

J6 series

The J6 series is a high power (6 W) Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) power supply featuring ultra low-noise (5 mV).
This high voltage power supply can be used not only for PMTs but also for phototubes, GM tubes, proportional counters, and Solid state detector (semiconductor radiation detectors).


J4 series

  • Ultra low noise, Excellent stability
  • External output control and output monitor
  • Extensive protection
  • Wide range output
  • UL1950 approved
  • CE marking approved (Low Voltage Directive)

J6 series

  • Ultra low noise, Excellent stability
  • High power 6 W
  • Output control with external voltage
  • Extensive protection circuit
  • External output control and output monitor



J4 series (4 W)

Model Output voltage
Output current
Safety standards
J4-0.5P 0 to 0.5 kV 8 mA 5 mVp-p UL mark CE mark
J4-1P 0 to 1 kV 4 mA 2 mVp-p UL mark CE mark
J4-1.5P 0 to 1.5 kV 2.5 mA 2 mVp-p UL mark CE mark
J4-2P 0 to 2 kV 2 mA 2 mVp-p UL mark CE mark
J4-3P 0 to 3 kV 1 mA 3 mVp-p UL mark CE mark
J4-5P 0 to 5 kV 0.5 mA 10 mVp-p UL mark CE mark
Model Output voltage
Output current
Safety standards
J4-0.5N 0 to -0.5 kV 8 mA 5 mVp-p UL mark CE mark
J4-1N 0 to -1 kV 4 mA 2 mVp-p UL mark CE mark
J4-1.5N 0 to -1.5 kV 2.5 mA 2 mVp-p UL mark CE mark
J4-2N 0 to -2 kV 2 mA 2 mVp-p UL mark CE mark
J4-3N 0 to -3 kV 1 mA 3 mVp-p UL mark CE mark
J4-5N 0 to -5 kV 0.5 mA 10 mVp-p UL mark CE mark

J6 series (6 W)

Model Output Voltage
Output Current
J6-1P 0 to 1 kV 6 mA 5 mVp-p
J6-1.5P 0 to1.5 kV 4 mA 5 mVp-p
J6-2P 0 to 2 kV 3 mA 5 mVp-p
J6-3P 0 to 3 kV 2 mA 10 mVp-p
J6-5P 0 to 5 kV 1.2 mA 20 mVp-p
Model Output Voltage
Output Current
J6-1N 0 to -1 kV 6 mA 5 mVp-p
J6-1.5N 0 to -1.5 kV 4 mA 5 mVp-p
J6-2N 0 to -2 kV 3 mA 5 mVp-p
J6-3N 0 to -3 kV 2 mA 10 mVp-p
J6-5N 0 to -5 kV 1.2 mA 20 mVp-p


  • Input voltage: 24 to 30 Vdc (J4 series), 24 Vdc (J6 series)
  • Output control: By external 5K Ohm potentiometer or external control voltage (Vcon-in) 0 to 9 Vdc (J4 series)
    By external control voltage (Vcon-in) 0 to 10 Vdc (J6 series)

For details, download the datasheet below.


J4 series


Card edge connector (12-pin),
Base plate (W: 3.86-inch(98 mm) × 6.3-inch(160 mm))


Vin ±12 Vdc to ±18 Vdc @400 mA typical


MHV output connector


SHV output connector

J6 series


MHV output connector


SHV output connector

How to Order

J4-(Output Voltage)(Polarity)[-L][X][Input voltage][Output connector]
(Output voltage) Select from 0.5/1/1.5/2/3/5 (unit: kV)
(Polarity) Select from P/N. P: Positive, N: Negative
[-L] is the symbol to be added when adding an option or selecting the LX/L15/LX15 model.
Add it when adding an option or selecting the LX model.
[X] Add when changing to a card edge connector and base plate model.
[Input voltage] Add "15" when changing the input voltage range from ±12 Vdc to ±18 Vdc.
[Output connector] can be added from MH/SH. The tip of the output cable can be changed to MH: MHV connector, SH: SHV connector respectively.

<Example> J4-1P-L15, J4-1.5N-LMH, J4-2P-LX15, J4-3N-LXSH, J4-5P-LX15MH

J6: When ordering, add Option No. in the following order by alphabet to Model No.
<Example> J6-1.5P-LMH

Additional Products


Assembled input connector with 0.25 meters flying leads (accessory)


For details, download the datasheet below.


J4 series: 110 x 90 x 27.5mm (4.33" x 3.54" x 1.08")
J6 series: 120 x 100 x 35mm (4.72" x 3.94" x 1.38")
For details, download the datasheet below.


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High Voltage power supplies (Chassis mount/PCB mount)