Capacitor's Roles and Mechanisms in Electronic Devices Capacitors are crucial components in most electronic devices. They are widely used in electronic circuits, power circuits, power supply units, etc. Capacitors are con[...] Examples of high voltage amplifier applications Matsusada Precision will refer to four examples of high voltage amplifier applications. Balanced electric discharge toward photoreceptor drum Plasma generation at atmospheric p[...] Caution on connecting DC power supply and load Please use a short lead wire that is sufficiently thick for the connection. Please use PVC electric cable (105°C) that can fully tolerate the voltage used. It is necessary [...] Bipolar Power Supply Applications We will offer applications based on Matsusada Precision's achievement. What is a Bipolar Power Supply? It is a four-quadrant bipolar power supply to source and sink the power. [...] How to Take Beautiful X-ray CT Images? - X-ray Non-Destructive Inspection series (1) - We explain the principle of X-ray CT, and we also provide the difference between medical and industrial use. "CT" is an abbreviation for "Computed Tomography." That is a metho[...] Relationship between Acceleration Voltage and Image - Electron Microscope (SEM) Technical Explanation Series (1) - The electron microscope is an indispensable instrument for analyzing samples. This series explains the basics of electron microscopes. The first theme is the acceleration voltag[...] Edison vs Tesla -DC Power vs AC Power- There are many machines that use electricity as a power source, such as electronic devices and home appliances around us. And in the case of Japan, most of them may be operatin[...] Installation of DC Power Supply and remote sensing correctly and safely Contains DC power supply know-how and how-to-use! Matsusada Precision is the leader in power supply manufacturing PROPER INSTALLATION OF POWER SUPPLY CONNECTION OF LOAD[...] Digital Measurement and Resolution -Basics of IoT- In the last column, we introduced power semiconductors and improved their performance. We also mentioned that improving performance requires numerical measurements from several[...] Types of Power Semiconductors -Reliability and Performance Test We introduced how to make a DC power supply from a grid connection and an AC power supply until the last column. These conversions are basically done by circuits, and they are [...] Preceding 10 items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next 10 items