For New Electronics Engineers, How to Use the Power Supply Safely Many new employees in Japan will join the company in April. Accidents and injuries caused by lack of knowledge and experience tend to occur during this period. This time, we wil[...] Electron Microscope and Analysis - Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Technical Explanation Series (3) - We will introduce a method to analyze what kind of elements are contained in a sample using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and an Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA[...] X-ray Image Processing and Automated Inspection - X-ray Non-Destructive Inspection series (3) - Non-destructive inspection using X-rays can perform various inspections. The most widely used is the inspection to detect foreign substances mixed in. Let's introduce t[...] Electron Microscope Lenses -Electron Microscope (SEM) Technical Explanation Series (2) - This time, we will introduce the lens of the electron microscope in detail. The following figure shows the structure of the electron microscope introduced last time. Fi[...] How to View X-ray CT Images - X-ray Non-Destructive Inspection series (2) - Last time, we explained how X-ray CT works. This time, let's introduce how to save the captured data and how to utilize the data. The result of X-ray CT is basically sav[...] Basics of units and prefixes used in electronics When writing specifications, you will often write numerical values in various units. However, if the number has a large number of digits, it will be difficult to read if[...] Power Supply Wiring for the Best Performance No common use of GNDs is allowed among signal lines, power lines, and status lines. The wiring of remote lines should be as short as possible. The wiring of remote line[...] What is Regenerative Energy and how it works? Currently, the use of "Regenerative energy" is so familiar in the energy field, and here's how it works. Regenerative energy well known as regenerative power is a promising [...] Power Supply Basic Terms Input Voltage The range of figures for input voltage shows the range of voltages input into the power supply that will enable the power supply to perform at the rated levels [...] Basics of Analog Remote Control of power supplies What is the most important thing about remote control of DC power supplies is to ensure the proper connection for installation as well as a safe grounding that can achieve hig[...] Preceding 10 items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next 10 items