The manufacturing process of FPD A Flat Panel Display (FPD) is a thin video display device that replaces the cathode-ray tube (CRT). In the past, cathode ray tubes were mainly used as a device to displ[...] Back-End Semiconductor Manufacturing Process The process of manufacturing semiconductors is similar to that of making business cards. In the case of business cards, the first step is to finalize a design, follo[...] Front-End Semiconductor Manufacturing Process The semiconductor manufacturing process can be divided into three main areas: the design process, the front-end process, and the back-end process. The tasks to be perfo[...] Plasma in semiconductor manufacturing Plasma is a state of matter in which energy is higher than gas. In general, there are three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. As the temperature rises, the solid[...] High Voltage Measurement Method Voltage measurements are made to ensure that electrical equipment is working properly and to check electrical circuits. When measuring voltage, connect the terminal o[...] What is an AC Power Source (Basic Knowledge) A typical AC power supply that flows from an outlet does not always maintain a constant voltage. It includes voltage fluctuations caused by changes in power consumption of e[...] How to choose the DC power supply? Explanation of the points. The DC power supply is a device that creates and supplies a stable Direct Current (DC) from the AC power supply of the outlet. It is used as a power source to run electronic circ[...] Types of X-ray tubes and high-voltage power supplies X-ray tubes come in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit different applications, and there are also a variety of high-voltage power supplies and control circuits to use t[...] How diodes works? Roles and Types A diode is an electronic component that directs the flow of electricity in a single direction. These are called "active components" and are basic components of semic[...] What to do if you get electrocuted? What to do in case of electric shock(electrical injury) and how to handle high voltage Electric shock (electrical injury) is when an electric current flows through the human body and causes a shock. Static electricity, such as when you touch a doorknob in w[...] Preceding 10 items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next 10 items