Battery Types and Characteristics (Basic Knowledge) There are various types of electrical appliances around us. Except for large-sized electric appliances such as TVs and refrigerators that take power from outlets, they operate w[...] Basics of amplifiers, how to use the amplifier and precautions If you search for "amplifier" on the Internet, you will get results from many websites about audio power amplifiers. But the "amplifier" itself is not just for audio. The device[...] What is X-Ray Fluorescence? (Basic Knowledge) When an object is irradiated with X-rays of a certain energy or greater, the inner shell electrons of the atoms in the material are excited. When the outer shell electrons mov[...] The Right Way to Choose appropriate X-ray Inspection System An X-ray inspection system can be used to inspect internal structures and defects that are not visible from the outside, without destroying the object (non-destructive inspection[...] What is Clean Bench? (Basic Knowledge) A clean bench is an enclosed workbench that is controlled to prevent dirt and dust in the air and surrounding environment from adhering to or contaminating items that are being w[...] Principles of Soldering (Important with production of power supply apparatuses) In this article, we will introduce the principle of soldering. Matsusada Precision offers a wide variety of power supply units, such as DC power supplies (programmable DC power s[...] How to Read a Resistor and Capacitor Code In this article, we will introduce how to read resistance and capacitor values, which form the foundation of electric resistance. Matsusada Precision offers a wide variety of po[...] Basic knowledge of the odor to make comfortable environment There are a variety of odors that different people react to in different ways. For example, some people like the smell of cigarette smoke while others dislike it. Although pe[...] What is a Power Supply? (Basic Knowledge) The product information pages on this website include many power supply units that were designed, developed, and manufactured by Matsusada Precision at our locations around Japan[...] What is DC power supply? (Basic Knowledge) The following control methods are used for programmable DC power supplies in order to obtain stable voltage and current. Type Features Advantages Disadvantages Product series[...] Preceding 10 items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next 10 items