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Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is a type of electron microscope. Using electrons, which have a shorter wavelength than light, makes it possible to see finer images than optical microscopes that use visible light.

A scanning electron microscope scans a specimen with a narrowly focused electron beam in a vacuum, and constructs and displays an image from information on the coordinates of the electron beam. Normally, the image is acquired using secondary electrons emitted from the object under the influence of the incident electrons. In addition to images of secondary electrons, scanning electron microscopes detect reflected electrons, transmitted electrons, X-rays, cathodoluminescence, internal electromotive force, etc., and analyze various information, such as data on the sample's composition.

Among scanning electron microscopes, those that use transmitted electrons are called STEM (Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope). In some cases, scanning electron microscopes apply a negative bias voltage to the sample stage in order to obtain a clear image.

Matsusada Precision offers a wide range of power supplies for scanning electron microscopes, including the PrecisionSEM5600, high voltage power supplies for acceleration, filaments, bias, lenses, and detectors.

This image introduces RA series, RB series, and TA series.
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In addition to Scanning Electron Microscope PrecisionSEM5600, we have various kind of products such as high voltage power supplies for acceleration that are available for electron microscopes along with power supplies for filaments, bias, lenses, and detectors.

AU series

AU series

voltage range
1 to 120 kV
0.25 to 2200 mA
30 to 2200 W
Rack mount High Voltage DC Power Supply

Choose from over 300 available models of the low-profile, lightweight design from the AU series, offering remote control & monitor functions; digital interface available.

AK series

AK series

voltage range
1 to 120 kV
25 to 4250 mA
3 to 6.4 kW
High power 6.4 kW/Compact
High Voltage Power Supply

Browse over 100 available models of the AK series, with high power 6.4 kW/Compact. 6.4 kW in 4 U. Digital interface is available.

KA series

KA series

voltage range
0.5 to 30 kV
0.25 to 20 mA
7.5 to 10 W
High Stability and Low Noise High Voltage Power Supply

Ideal for SEM and Mass Spectrometry

RA/RB series

RA/RB series

voltage range
0.3 to 40 kV
0.12 to 200 mA
5 to 60 W
High power & Low Noise High Voltage Power Supplies

High reliability design with various protections

J4/J6 series

J4/J6 series

voltage range
0.5 to 5 kV
0.5 to 8 mA
2.5 to 6W
High Voltage Power Supply for PMT

Ideal for phototubes, GM tubes, and radiation counters

K10 series

K10 series

voltage range
5 to 10 kV
1 to 2 mA
10 W
Compact High Voltage module for SEM and Mass spectrometry

Ultra compact size 70 mm width

KS-R series

KS-R series

voltage range
0.1 mA
1 W
High Voltage Power Supply for Mass Spectrometry

Output voltage, current monitor

K12-R series

K12-R series

voltage range
±10 to ±30 kV
0.4 to 1.2 mA
12 W
Reversible Polarity & High Stability

Ideal for Mass spectrometry

K3-R series

K3-R series

voltage range
±1 to ±10 kV
0.3 to 3 mA
3 W
Mass spectrometry reversible power supplies

Ideal for Scanning Electron Microscopy and Mass spectrometry

SEM series

SEM series

voltage range
-15 to -30 kV
0.3 mA
Low noise High Voltage power supply for Scanning Electron Microscope

Power supply used for acceleration, bias, and filament heating in a compact body

MDC series

MDC series

15 kV
Output voltage
12 or 24 Vdc
1 or 2 A
High Voltage Isolation Power Supply

High power output of 48 W for operating multiple power supplies

FDC series

FDC series

Voltage range
7.5 V
5 A
30 kV
Electron Gun and Ion Source Filament Power Supply

Floating withstand voltage 30 kV

TM series

TM series

voltage range
0.8 to 3 kV
0.5 to 2 mA
1.5 W
Ultra Low Ripple PCB Mountable High Voltage Power Supply

Low noise due to 6-sided metal shielding

TD series

TD series

voltage range
0.35 to 2 kV
2.5 to 14 mA
5 W
High power Power Supply for photomultiplier

Low ripple/noise and high-end performance

TEH series

TEH series

voltage range
1 kV
10 mA
10 W
High power High Voltage Power Supply

High power 10 W for PMT

HEB series

HEB series

voltage range
-60 kV
5 A
Electron Beam Power Supply

The multifunctional HEB series provides an excellent temperature coefficient suitable for many applications.