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An ionization chamber is a type of radiation detection device. In an ionization chamber, two opposing electrodes are placed in a container filled with gas, and a high voltage is applied. As the charged particles (radiation) pass through the gas, the gas molecules are ionized to produce ions and electrons.

Since a voltage is applied inside the container, electrons with a negative charge are attracted to the positive electrode, and ions with a positive charge are attracted to the negative electrode. As a result, an electric current flows in the circuit, and this current allows the detection of radiation. If the voltage applied to the electrodes is too low, the separated ions and electrons will recombine before they reach the electrodes. Therefore, a sufficient voltage of several tens to several hundred V is required in the ionization chamber.

A proportional counter is one in which the voltage in the ionization chamber is increased above a certain level. When the voltage is increased, the two electrodes act as an accelerator, accelerating the electrons generated by the charged particles.

The accelerated electrons secondarily ionize the gas molecules, resulting in a current that is larger than the primary ionization current. Proportional counters make use of this amplification effect. GM tubes are another type of radiation detection device that uses the ionization of the electrode and gas.

Matsusada Precision offers a large number of high voltage power supplies that can be used for ionization chambers featuring low ripple, compact body, and ratings of 0 to 1 kV.

visualisation of ionization chamber
Related words:
  • Accelerator
  • Radiation
  • Radiation detection
  • Proportional counter
  • GM tube
  • Ionization

Recommended products

There are a large number of high-voltage power supplies that can be used for ionization chambers, featuring low ripple, a compact body, and ratings of 0 to 1 kV.

ES series

ES series

voltage range
1 to 5 kV
0.6 to 15 mA
3 to 15 W
42 models, High Voltage Power Supply

Choose from 42 available models for PMT and Microchannel plate (MCP) applications.

TM series

TM series

voltage range
0.8 to 3 kV
0.5 to 2 mA
1.5 W
Ultra Low Ripple PCB Mountable High Voltage Power Supply

Low noise due to 6-sided metal shielding

AU series

AU series

voltage range
1 to 120 kV
0.25 to 2200 mA
30 to 2200 W
Rack mount High Voltage DC Power Supply

Choose from over 300 available models of the low-profile, lightweight design from the AU series, offering remote control & monitor functions; digital interface available.

ASX series

ASX series

voltage range
±3.1 kV
5 mA
15.5 W
High Voltage Reference with High Accuracy

Suitable for driving PMT, the ASX series offers ultra-low ripple 1mVp-p and high stability 50ppm/H.

AE series

AE series

voltage range
1 to 150 kV
0.2 to 30 mA
15 to 120 W
Ultra low noise and high stability
High Voltage Power Supply

The AE series can provide high reliability (low ripple of 10ppm) and drastically reduce noise with our proprietary switching circuit

RSS series

RSS series

voltage range
1 to 20 kV
0.25 to 30 mA
5 to 30 W
High power & Low Noise High Voltage Power Supplies

Compact, high stability and low noise

J4/J6 series

J4/J6 series

voltage range
0.5 to 5 kV
0.5 to 8 mA
2.5 to 6W
High Voltage Power Supply for PMT

Ideal for phototubes, GM tubes, and radiation counters

JB series

JB series

voltage range
0.3 to 2 KV
1 to 8 mA
1.8 to 2.5 W
High Voltage Power Supply for PMT

High power and Low noise