A focused ion beam (FIB) processes the surface of a sample using an extremely fine ion beam.
In a FIB system, the ion beam can be scanned to the sample surface observation、and more sputtering and deposition. FIBs are often used together with SEM, and are called FIB-SEMs. This technology is used for sample surface observation, sputtering, deposition, etching, cross-sectional processing observation for Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), sample preparation for Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), and film forming by deposition.
The ability to precisely irradiate ion beams can also be used to repair defective areas or remove additional areas of photomasks for semiconductor manufacturing equipment.
The focused ion beam photomask repair system is specialized in focused ion beam (FIB) technology.
In the ion source, ions are extracted by applying an electric field between gallium Liquid Metal Ion Sources (LMIS) and extraction electrodes. When the extracted ions are accelerated by the high-voltage electric field of the lens section and collide with the sample, secondary electrons and atoms are emitted. The beam can be narrowed by increasing the acceleration voltage of the lens section. However, at the same time, damage to the sample will increase. Therefore, the acceleration voltage is generally +5kV to +30kV.
Matsusada Precision's High Voltage Power Supplies such as HIB series provide multiple outputs and high stability designed for ion beam application.
We also have a selection of low-noise, Chassis mount High Voltage Power Supplies and PCB mount High Voltage Power Supply Modules for ion source extraction electrodes, and ion acceleration.

FIB, FIB-SEM Manufacturers
- Thermo Fisher Scientific (FEI Company) https://www.thermofisher.com/us/en/home/electron-microscopy/products/dualbeam-fib-sem-microscopes.html
- Hitachi High-Technologies https://www.hitachi-hightech.com/global/en/products/microscopes/fib-sem/
- JEOL https://www.jeol.com/products/scientific/fib/
- Carl Zeiss https://www.zeiss.com/microscopy/en/products/sem-fib-sem/fib-sem/crossbeam.html
- RAITH https://raith.com/products/velion/
- CIQTEK https://www.ciqtekglobal.com/fib-sem-db550_p30.html
FIB column (FIB gun) Manufacturers
- ORSAY PHYSICS https://www.orsayphysics.com/fib
- Focus GmbH https://www.focus-gmbh.com/ion-sources/
- Kimball Physics https://www.kimballphysics.com/product-category/ion-gun-systems/
- Ionoptika https://ionoptika.com/products/
- ULVAC-PHI https://www.ulvac-phi.com/en/products/ion-gun/fig-5/
- A&D https://www.aandd.jp/products/dsp/eb.html
FIB ion source (Gallium liquid metal ion sources: Ga+ LMIS) Manufacturers
- Applied Physics Technologies (APT) https://www.a-p-tech.com/catalog/p/ion-sources
- Applied Beams LLC https://www.appliedbeams.com/products/fib-sem-consumables/liquid-metal-ion-sources/
- Related words:
- Focused Ion Beam
- Sputtering
- Etching
- Cross-sectional processing observation
- TEM sample preparation
- Film deposition
- Photomask
- Mask repair
- High voltage power supply
- Ion beam power supply
- Low noise power supply
Recommended products
We also have a selection of low-noise, high-voltage modular power supplies and onboard high-voltage power supplies for ion source extraction electrodes, and ion acceleration.
Information on related articles in Technical Knowledge
- Safety and Usage of High Voltage Power Supply
- How to Select a High Voltage Power Supply for Laboratory Analyzers
- Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) - Basic knowledge
- Relationship between Acceleration Voltage and Image - Electron Microscope (SEM) Technical Explanation Series (1) -
- Electron Microscope Lenses -Electron Microscope (SEM) Technical Explanation Series (2) -
- Electron Microscope and Analysis - Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Technical Explanation Series (3) -