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Industrial CT

X-ray CT scanners are primarily classified by medical and industrial purposes.

Medical CT scanners
The first and foremost importance is to minimize the radiation dose toward the body during X-ray examination.
When imaging the body, the X-ray tube and detector rotate around the body to reduce blurring of the body. The photography is conducted for an extremely short time using a high radiation dose.
This image explains medical CT.
Industrial CT scanners
You do not need to worry about the radiation exposure to take images of industrial products, and the X-ray tube and detector can be fixed as the product on the rotatable stage is moved. Accordingly, an X-ray photograph is conducted for a long time with a low radiation dose. That is why you can get high-quality data with high accuracy as well as low noise using industrial CT scanners, which are used in a variety of applications such as quality inspection of industrial products, evaluation of development materials, and reverse engineering of other companies' products.
This image explains Industrial CT.

High voltage power supplies designed for X-ray tube of industrial CT inspection system and X-ray generators in one package of X-ray tube and high voltage power supply are all available in a wide lineup of Matsusada Precision.

Recommended products

XPg series

XPg series

voltage range
-30 to -160 kV
4 to 67 mA
0.6 to 4 kW
X-ray Power supply for Anode ground X-ray tube

Suitable for x-ray output, the XPg series delivers a high-voltage power supply with a floating AC filament supply.

XKg series

XKg series

voltage range
30 to 160 kV
0.2 to 67 mA
15 to 4000 W
X-ray Power Supply for Cathode ground x-ray tube

Produce stable x-ray output with the XKg series of high voltage power supply with filament power.

XPgM/XKgM series (Discontinued)

XPgM/XKgM series (Discontinued)

voltage range
50 to 70 kV
4.3 to 12 mA
300 to 600 W
High voltage power supply for X-ray tube

High power 600 W

XR series

XR series

voltage range
30 to 65 kV
0.77 to 2 mA
50 to 100 W
X-ray Power Supply for Cathode grounded X-ray tube

High Power 50 W to 100 W

XRT series

XRT series

voltage range
50 kV
2 mA
50 W
X-ray Power Supply for Cathode grounded X-ray tube

Compact Variable power 50 W

XRR series

XRR series

voltage range
50 kV
1 mA
50 W
X-ray Power Supply for Cathode grounded X-ray tube

Compact 50 W


XWR series (Discontinued)

XWR series (Discontinued)

X-ray tube voltage
60 to 130kV
X-ray power
120 to 260W
High power X-ray module

Continuous operation is available. Stable X-ray output, Wide lineup, 60kV to 130kV/120W to 260W


XWR-Be series (Discontinued)

XWR-Be series (Discontinued)

X-ray tube voltage
X-ray power
X-ray module equipped with Beryllium window

High power and compactness, Wide radiation, Stable X-ray output


XWFR series (Discontinued)

XWFR series (Discontinued)

X-ray tube voltage
X-ray power
Mini-focus X-ray module

Focal distance is 100 µm, Achieve high-contrast X-ray image by high power X-ray and using Beryllium window.